
And welcome to the Parts Of Speech, a dysfunctional family of websites, graciously hosted at adjective.com.

Here you will please find lovingly hand-crafted eyecandy and doohickies. Our experienced team of designers have labored for years to bring to you what many others may have been afraid to even consider.

All this at no expense to you, valued visitor #41117!

So, look around, kick the tables, poke the absolutely Netscape color-cube compatible glowing texts. Marvel at the unusually-formed words and images.

And then go away. Happy.

our founders
The Parts of Speech Liberation Front

Visitors' comments for this page [Add your own]
  • Wow
    wed...@...e.com - Wedge, Here
    17Feb2011 11:48 AM (14 years 43 days ago)
    I love it. Makes me want to buy a sport coat.
  • Jeez!!
    mjw...@...l.net - Mo - New Pal
    14Jan2008 3:51 PM (17 years 78 days ago)
    Looks like the Spike Jones' class of '51! (Hope they all can blow....)
  • it...
    27Jul2004 7:08 PM (20 years 249 days ago)
    ...wasn't I.
  • founders
    27Jul2004 7:05 PM (20 years 249 days ago)
    Hey, do they do windows? ;)
  • aa
    aa...@...aa - aa
    27Jul2004 12:24 PM (20 years 249 days ago)
    who farted/???? stinky!!!!!
  • duplication
    mom...@...again - New Pal
    25Oct2003 11:36 AM (21 years 160 days ago)
    well, if you hit doit! once and nothing happens, don't repeat yourself.

    by the way, cut and paste works on this page.
  • look alikes
    mom...@...mom - New Pal
    25Oct2003 11:34 AM (21 years 160 days ago)
    looks like paper doll cut out clothes, same jacket for each doll.
  • It's been a long time
    you...@...2.139 - NEA, SF CA
    7Aug2003 6:10 PM (21 years 239 days ago)
    How come nobody comments anymore?
  • Parts Of Speech Lib Front, huh??
    mjw...@...m.com - NewPal, IN
    25Aug2001 10:59 PM (23 years 221 days ago)
    Looks like the '58 Purdue glee club.....
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