I'd like to share some of the 73,658 spam messages I've received..
Subject: Solve , the pr:oblem downs:tairs ` pgqwhkbkgol

From: "Cassie Richter" <Louisa_Bryson@baseline.com>
Date: 2005-05-12 11:56:20
Subject: calvert

From: "Daren Welsh" <barnacleearthen@mozartstubn.com>
Date: 2005-10-01 23:05:48
Subject: Approved - $539,000.00 / 25 yrs / 3.07% APR

Subject: they have a great internet reputationSe

From: torrie marx <torrie_marx@ameritech.net>
Date: 2004-10-15 20:25:31
Subject: Best R X

Gimme another random serving, please


Just the most recent additions


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try yr luck!