I'd like to share some of the 73,658 spam messages I've received..
Subject: spamee_user, Improve Your love life

Subject: -----Be Too Smart for MLM or Franchise Deals 17179

From: "David Lewis" <dignitaries@sideswipe.com>
Date: 2004-10-03 08:04:13
Subject: EnIarge your manhood today!

From: Mr Ritchie <timgreen@didamail.com>
Date: 2004-09-25 22:36:04
Subject: Re: what do you think about this advertising method?

From: Crocodile Extract Antidote <rzmfwowbjqtczw@bpsinet.com>
Date: 2005-05-11 14:25:06
Subject: keep your immune system healthy

Gimme another random serving, please


Just the most recent additions


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try yr luck!